1715 S Maple Grove Rd.- Public Hearing Notice to Rezone

Boise’s City Council will hear this item at a public hearing at 6:00pm on January 10, 2023.

Project Information:

Case Number: CAR22-00015

Applicant: Westminster Homes

Request: Applicant is seeking approval for land division at 1715 S. Maple Grove Road. Property is a 1.63 acre lot with one preexisting single family dwelling. Owner would like to divide property into 4 lots, and build 3 single family dwellings, each with AUD, on the new lots.

To stream the hearing: https://www.cityofboise.org/events/city-council/2023/january/city-council/

To learn more about the project: https://permits.cityofboise.org/CitizenAccess/Cap/CapDetail.aspx?Module=Planning&TabName=Planning&capID1=22CAP&capID2=00000&capID3=00MMC&agencyCode=BOISE